18 Questions to Ask a Potential Home Builder

Are you interested in building a custom home? Are you new to the process and not sure where to start? There is no doubt that this process can feel overwhelming, and that’s why it’s so important to find the right builder for you to work with. Take your time to interview prospective builders. Talk to friends, family, neighbors and others who have already been through the process to hear about their home building experiences. This will help give you an idea of things to be aware of and questions to ask. In the meantime, we have put together our short list of some of the most important questions for you to ask a potential home builder.

Top 18 Questions to Ask a Potential Home Builder

  1. How long have you been in business?

  2. How do you compare yourself with other builders and what sets you apart?

  3. Who will I be working most closely with and how involved are you personally in the home building process?

  4. Tell me about your background in home building and where you received your credentials?

  5. Are you licensed and insured?

  6. Are there additional fees that will or could occur during the process?

  7. How do you determine the cost of the home?

  8. Tell me about your team -- both internal and trade partners / contractors

  9. How long have you been working with your contractors?

  10. Do you have an interior designer that will help me make selections along the way?

  11. How long can I expect the process to take start to finish?

  12. Is it possible to make changes once the construction phase has begun and if so, what does that entail?

  13. What type of new home warranty do you offer?

  14. What items in the home are considered standard features and what items are considered options / upgrades?

  15. Do you have model homes we can tour?

  16. Do you have references / previous clients we can speak to?

  17. How often will I have access to the home during the process?

  18. Do you have a semi-custom approach in addition to a full custom model where I can modify previously used house plans to fit my needs and I tweak the exterior elevations to my exact specifications?

We hope this list is helpful for giving you a place to start with what to ask a home builder and how to select someone to work with. Be sure to visit our blog for more helpful information on the home building process, or reach out to us for more information.

Hayley Hughes