How to Select a Home Builder in 5 Simple Steps

Are you considering building a custom home? Have you been thinking about it for a while now and finally ready to bring your dream home visions to life? Or at least start exploring options and learning more about the process? You have come to the right place! When it comes to building a custom home, there are numerous items to take into consideration, which can make the entire idea of building a home seem completely overwhelming. The key to a successful home building experience is to take your time, do your research and plan well.

If you are reading this article right now, chances are you’re beyond the point of determining you’d like to build a home, and instead, ready to start making some decisions and move forward. You are most likely doing some research and shopping around for a team and custom home builder that will best suit your needs. Follow our quick process for finding a home builder and you will not be disappointed.

How to Choose a Home Builder in 5 Simple Steps

1. Determine what you want in a custom home

If you have already been thinking about building a custom home, or perhaps have already committed to the decision, then you probably have a general idea for what you want included in the home. However, many people have ideas in their minds for what they want, but have not taken the time to write it down and make a formal list. Dedicate some time to sit down and write a comprehensive wish list for what you want included in your custom home. You may want to first do this as an individual activity, and then collaborate with your spouse and other family members to make sure everything desired is included.

Try to formulate your list in order of priority. For example, you may have a few items on your list that are “non-negotiable”, and other items you are more willing to compromise on if needed. The cost of a custom home can increase quickly as items are added in, so do your best to prioritize and be prepared to eliminate things if needed. Creating a wish list in order of priority will at least help reduce disappointment down the road if it looks like you need to adjust the plan as you go.

When making your list, be sure to think about it in terms of a timeline. If this is your forever home, be sure your plans accommodate for growth in your family and will be conducive to your lifestyle long-term.

2. Make a list of potential builders - Check Instagram for ideas

Once you have an established wish list for what you want included in your custom home, start doing some research on home builders in your area and make a list of those you want to contact. Specifically, take a look at Instagram and begin following builders who specialize in neighborhoods of interest. This will help you gain a sense of their style, personality, work ethic, and so forth.

Local home builders associations can often serve as a good resource for finding builders. You may also want to scope out your local newspaper’s real estate section to look for advertisements and articles from local builders. This could also help you find builders that will operate in your desired price range.

Once you have solidified a list of potential builders, see if there are specific neighborhoods each builder works in. You will often find builders that are highly concentrated to a specific neighborhood. In this case, find a day to take a drive around and get an idea for some of the homes the builder has completed in a given neighborhood. If you get lucky, you may even be able to see a work in progress or speak to a family or homeowner who has already made it through completion.

3. Contact builders

Now it’s time to start reaching out to the builders on your list to get some initial information. This is a good time to ask some preliminary questions of the builder such as how long they have been in business, how their process works and what an average price point is for one of their custom homes. Another critical part of this step is taking note of how responsive and accessible each of the builders are. When going through the home building process, it is imperative that you have informative, respectful and timely communication with your builder. Pay attention to communication styles in these early phases and get a clear understanding of whether or not this is someone you could foresee having a positive working relationship with throughout the duration of your home build.

4. Check references

Chances are that once you have made calls to the builders on your list, you have narrowed it down to a select few you would prefer working with. If this is the case and you feel you are getting closer to making a decision on who to work with, start asking around for input and checking references. Many builders may seem great and easy to work with in the beginning stages of a project, but then disappear or become less involved down the road. Check with some of the homeowners and families who have completed projects with the builder and ask about their experiences.

5. Set up a time to meet and interview

Lastly, you will want to set up in-person meetings and interviews with each of the top builders on your list. This will give you a chance to meet the builder and their team in person, as well as a chance to ask more detailed questions about how they operate. In order to ensure a builder is the best fit for you, be sure to ask plenty of questions! If you’re wondering what types of questions you should ask, read our article 18 Questions to Ask a Potential Home Builder.

Hayley Hughes